Live S.T.E.M. Shows
45 min. to 1 hr. presentations on a specific science and technology area.
• Given to large or small groups in an auditorium or gym setting.
• Can be a stand alone program or followed by individual Classroom Workshops.

Techsploration Hands-On Workshops
Workshops typically last 45 min. to 1 hr.
• Students build a variety of fun projects that allow them to experiment with a topic.
• In small groups and individually, students brainstorm ideas, build prototypes, and test ideas.
• Workshops include follow-up worksheets to further a student’s exploration of a topic.
• Because of the hands-on nature of workshops the size is limited to approximately 30 students

Energy and Electricity
Learn what electricity really is. Unlock the secrets to the flow of electrons and true energy sources!
Structural Engineering
See a live demonstration of engineering principles. Bridges made from balloons, a real suspension bridge, and how to stand on eggs!
Simple Machines
Forces, effort, and loads of fun watching the principle concepts of engineering and problem solving! Lift a teacher with one hand too!
Forces and Motion
How do engineers solve the problem of friction? See rocket building, the laws of motion and a real Mag-Lev train in action.
This a fun way to get students to look at weather and air currents in a whole new light.
Waves, Sound, and Light
See how a Wave Machine, Pendulum Waves, Laser Eye Simulation, a Mechanical Ear and student participation make waves travel.